A mom trying to figure out life.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Dear Baby
Dear Baby, You are coming more or less in 8 weeks and we haven't done much for your coming at all. The other night I had a dream you were coming and we didn't have the carseat. So that day I washed and vaccumed the cover. Your brother had a good time talking about how you will cry and go nigh-night in there. He also liked sitting and rocking in your carseat. Don't worry though, we let him know it's your carseat now. Please don't think that because we haven't done much that you aren't as loved or that we aren't excited. We VERY much are so excited to meet you and welcome you into this world and into our family. I think you are excited and that want out as much as I want you out. I think you are running out of room in that belly of mine and boy to your kicks and stretches hurt! Your big brother saw a new baby the otherday and was so excited to see and play and touch it. He kept yelling "a BAYBY!!" over and over with great amazement and excitement. That brought me joy thinking that he will be just as excited about you! At least for a couple days :o) We still don't have a name for you. The list keeps getting longer and longer. I hope we find one that suits you well before it is too late. I hope you are doing well in there! We love you incredibly already. Come soon! Love, Mom
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Getting ready for the baby.
Here is a funny picture of Keegan being silly through our stair well.
Yesterday we got a new nursing chair! I'm so excited about it! We had a stationary chair in Keegan's room when he was little and it worked just fine but I thought it would be nice to have a rocker. We have a rocking chair that is a family heirloom but it has wood arms and I would always hit Keegan's head on the arms!
So I wanted to cute, plush chair. We have been on the look out for a while. They are expensive!! We found this one on craigs list for pretty inexpensive! It's in great condition, looks barely used!
Keegan is saying "night night" in this photo. Which is why he is laying down with a weird look on his face. He has been so silly lately! And picking up words like crazy! I think in the last week he has said more than 20 new words. Words that we didn't even know he knew like tape! or noodle! It's been so fun. I think he has obtained the skill of copying words.
He's also super excited about letters lately and can point out a handful of letters. I was so suprised yesterday he came to me with his magnet letter "m" told me what it was, turned it upside down, and said "woobwowu" It is so crazy the kind of things kids pick up! We aren't even trying very hard to teach him! Crazy guy.
I'm 24 weeks pregnant now, so six months! I can't believe we only have three more months til this little guy comes out! He is a mover and a shaker! Always moving and kicking!
We're planning on having him sleep in our room for a good chunk of time so we put our new rocker in our room. We might even have the baby's room be my closet for a while, just so we can keep our guest room. That's what we are thinking right now, but it might change. When can kids share a room?
Here is a funny picture of Keegan being silly through our stair well.
Yesterday we got a new nursing chair! I'm so excited about it! We had a stationary chair in Keegan's room when he was little and it worked just fine but I thought it would be nice to have a rocker. We have a rocking chair that is a family heirloom but it has wood arms and I would always hit Keegan's head on the arms!
So I wanted to cute, plush chair. We have been on the look out for a while. They are expensive!! We found this one on craigs list for pretty inexpensive! It's in great condition, looks barely used!
Keegan is saying "night night" in this photo. Which is why he is laying down with a weird look on his face. He has been so silly lately! And picking up words like crazy! I think in the last week he has said more than 20 new words. Words that we didn't even know he knew like tape! or noodle! It's been so fun. I think he has obtained the skill of copying words.
He's also super excited about letters lately and can point out a handful of letters. I was so suprised yesterday he came to me with his magnet letter "m" told me what it was, turned it upside down, and said "woobwowu" It is so crazy the kind of things kids pick up! We aren't even trying very hard to teach him! Crazy guy.
I'm 24 weeks pregnant now, so six months! I can't believe we only have three more months til this little guy comes out! He is a mover and a shaker! Always moving and kicking!
We're planning on having him sleep in our room for a good chunk of time so we put our new rocker in our room. We might even have the baby's room be my closet for a while, just so we can keep our guest room. That's what we are thinking right now, but it might change. When can kids share a room?
Monday, February 7, 2011
It's A BOY!
So Most people by now know that we are due to have a baby June 5-ish! But I thought I would log it on our blog just in case the gender word didn't get out and also for our own personal log here on the blog :0)
Three weeks ago before our Campus Crusade Staff meeting we had our 20 week appointment. We decided to have the ultrasound technician write the sex on a piece of paper so that we can have a surprise reveal with our Corvallis family- our staff team.
So the technician wrote it down and we gave that slip of paper to Julie on our team who then frosted the middle of this cake the gender color! Mid staff meeting the cake came out and we got to slice into it!
If I'm honest I can say that I wasn't really able to concentrate during the first half of our staff meeting. I was nervous and ready to hear the news! Running all the images of the ultrasound in my head trying to remember if I saw any evidence. Replaying the technicians words trying to hear clues. Which she did give us a few BIG clues. I couldn't tell if they were slip ups or honest mistakes. Either way we sliced into this yummy cake aaandd...

Brent saw the color first, he yelled "It's going to be a boy!!" I wouldn't believe it until I saw that blue with my own eyes. Yup. BLUE! Another boy!!
The news came as a shock even though the ultrasound tech. slipped
She slipped by saying things like "HIS." Also when I asked her if she was sure she knew the sex she said "OH YES! It was VERY obvious!" I thought, well so are your words. You just gave it away lady! What could possibly so obvious besides little baby BOY parts!
I'm not sure how those Tech's do it when the clients really do not want to know the sex. At least with her slip up we were going to find out an hour or so later. Anyhow...
Here is our lovely Staff Team! I'm glad we got to share that moment with them.

Top Left: Allan, Steph, Lauren, Sarah, Hannah, Matt, Tom (S,H,M and T are all student staff) Julie. Bottom left: Brent, Alli, Byron and I
I thought I was really starting to pop outthen and now that I look at this picture, there isn't so much of a baby bump as the image I had in my mind. ha.
Afterwards the ladies and I got to process how I was feeling about having another boy and that was good too. I was a little let down. No ribbons and bows for this household, yet at least. We'll see after this baby is born if that is ever going to be an option.
But now I am excited about another boy! Keegan has a couple friend-boys that he plays with and it is so fun to see them belly laugh, play cars and chase each other. He is such a boys boy, it will be good for him to have another little buddy to chum around with. Plus! We have all boy toys and clothes so we are set! Yay!
A couple days after we got the news I realized I had forgotten that I once said I've always wanted boys! Lots of rowdy boot-trompin' over-all wearin', rock throwin', cape flying-superman boys! So I guess I'm getting that dream. That I need to keep remembering.
Three weeks ago before our Campus Crusade Staff meeting we had our 20 week appointment. We decided to have the ultrasound technician write the sex on a piece of paper so that we can have a surprise reveal with our Corvallis family- our staff team.
So the technician wrote it down and we gave that slip of paper to Julie on our team who then frosted the middle of this cake the gender color! Mid staff meeting the cake came out and we got to slice into it!
If I'm honest I can say that I wasn't really able to concentrate during the first half of our staff meeting. I was nervous and ready to hear the news! Running all the images of the ultrasound in my head trying to remember if I saw any evidence. Replaying the technicians words trying to hear clues. Which she did give us a few BIG clues. I couldn't tell if they were slip ups or honest mistakes. Either way we sliced into this yummy cake aaandd...
The news came as a shock even though the ultrasound tech. slipped
She slipped by saying things like "HIS." Also when I asked her if she was sure she knew the sex she said "OH YES! It was VERY obvious!" I thought, well so are your words. You just gave it away lady! What could possibly so obvious besides little baby BOY parts!
I'm not sure how those Tech's do it when the clients really do not want to know the sex. At least with her slip up we were going to find out an hour or so later. Anyhow...
Here is our lovely Staff Team! I'm glad we got to share that moment with them.
Top Left: Allan, Steph, Lauren, Sarah, Hannah, Matt, Tom (S,H,M and T are all student staff) Julie. Bottom left: Brent, Alli, Byron and I
I thought I was really starting to pop outthen and now that I look at this picture, there isn't so much of a baby bump as the image I had in my mind. ha.
Afterwards the ladies and I got to process how I was feeling about having another boy and that was good too. I was a little let down. No ribbons and bows for this household, yet at least. We'll see after this baby is born if that is ever going to be an option.
But now I am excited about another boy! Keegan has a couple friend-boys that he plays with and it is so fun to see them belly laugh, play cars and chase each other. He is such a boys boy, it will be good for him to have another little buddy to chum around with. Plus! We have all boy toys and clothes so we are set! Yay!
A couple days after we got the news I realized I had forgotten that I once said I've always wanted boys! Lots of rowdy boot-trompin' over-all wearin', rock throwin', cape flying-superman boys! So I guess I'm getting that dream. That I need to keep remembering.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Bye Bye Poo Poo!
Potty Training?
Lately Keegan has been taking more notice to his little potty and saying things like "bye bye Poo-Poo" when Brent or I go to the bathroom or we throw the dirties from his diapers away. I don't think he understands too much more then that, but it's a step forward! We aren't doing much to start the potty training but today I thought we'd try seeing if he'd want to sit on the potty during a time when he would regularly be pooping in his diaper. He didn't go. But he sat on the potty happily for a while reading books with Brent. I'd say first pass initiation to the potty seat was a success!

Here is just a cute photo from christmas. We didn't end up taking too many Christmas photos this year, but we had a great time with family and Keegan got a ton of great presents! Mostly Car's the movie themed things. Which he has LOVED! We're excited about next year and being able to teach him more about the Christmas story. I'm not sure he was old enough this year to pick anything up. Although he did recognize there was a baby involved. I guess that is a good step.
Lately Keegan has been taking more notice to his little potty and saying things like "bye bye Poo-Poo" when Brent or I go to the bathroom or we throw the dirties from his diapers away. I don't think he understands too much more then that, but it's a step forward! We aren't doing much to start the potty training but today I thought we'd try seeing if he'd want to sit on the potty during a time when he would regularly be pooping in his diaper. He didn't go. But he sat on the potty happily for a while reading books with Brent. I'd say first pass initiation to the potty seat was a success!
Here is just a cute photo from christmas. We didn't end up taking too many Christmas photos this year, but we had a great time with family and Keegan got a ton of great presents! Mostly Car's the movie themed things. Which he has LOVED! We're excited about next year and being able to teach him more about the Christmas story. I'm not sure he was old enough this year to pick anything up. Although he did recognize there was a baby involved. I guess that is a good step.
Things we have been up to lately!
The other day Keegan ran excitedly into the kitchen with both of his pirate hats exclaiming "Daddy too! Daddy too!" so they put on their hats and had fun being pirates. Keegan is saying "Cheessssee" in this picture. Thats a new thing. We think he might have a lisp and trouble saying his "r's" which is really cute.

Today was a rainy day and we were getting house bored so we decided to venture out with boots and rain jackets to the "bi Choo Choo" Big Train park in town. Here is Keegan exploring the Big Choo Choo
He Loved it!
Near the "Bi-Choo-Choo" is a bunch of cement structures that kind of look like dinosaur bones for kids to climb on and through. He was just as excited about running around the bones and going through the holes.
Some of these pictures are a little burry but you get the gist. Keegs is looking more and more like a boy these days. He' growing taller and talking more and more. It's really fun.
Yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound appointment for baby #2 and found out we're having another BOY! We're excited to bring up another fun and full of energy boy! After going to the park in the rain today it was fun to imagine coming again in a year or so and watching two boys run around in the mud together!
Keegan had brought a lot of laughter and joy into our house with his sillyness and crazy boy energy! I'm curious what life will be like with two! I'm suspecting we are going to have a loud household. I hope I can keep up!
Today was a rainy day and we were getting house bored so we decided to venture out with boots and rain jackets to the "bi Choo Choo" Big Train park in town. Here is Keegan exploring the Big Choo Choo
He Loved it!
Near the "Bi-Choo-Choo" is a bunch of cement structures that kind of look like dinosaur bones for kids to climb on and through. He was just as excited about running around the bones and going through the holes.
Some of these pictures are a little burry but you get the gist. Keegs is looking more and more like a boy these days. He' growing taller and talking more and more. It's really fun.
Yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound appointment for baby #2 and found out we're having another BOY! We're excited to bring up another fun and full of energy boy! After going to the park in the rain today it was fun to imagine coming again in a year or so and watching two boys run around in the mud together!
Keegan had brought a lot of laughter and joy into our house with his sillyness and crazy boy energy! I'm curious what life will be like with two! I'm suspecting we are going to have a loud household. I hope I can keep up!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Fall Has Begun!
We got a knock on our door a couple of weeks ago and a big heavy package arrived... hundreds of "Would you like to know God personally?" booklets.

It is neat to get a package like that in the mail and know that hundreds of college students are going to be given the opportunity to hear in a clear way what it means to Know God! College students will be given a tool that will give them confidence in sharing the gospel. Hundreds of students might be entering into the eternal life because of those booklets! Pretty sweet to think about.

So Keegan got his first chance to check one out. They are a little over his head, but he liked the pictures.
In other news... keegan has enjoyed coloring at his table these days... and eating crayons.

Check out his latest peice of art!!

That's Right! He's going to be a big brother in 9 months!! We are pregnant. Expecting baby number 2 sometime around the beginning of June if all goes well! We are excited!!! I'm a little overwhelmed with thinking about taking care of two babies, there are a lot of things to wean Keegan from in the next nine months! But I try not to think about all that just yet.
It is neat to get a package like that in the mail and know that hundreds of college students are going to be given the opportunity to hear in a clear way what it means to Know God! College students will be given a tool that will give them confidence in sharing the gospel. Hundreds of students might be entering into the eternal life because of those booklets! Pretty sweet to think about.
So Keegan got his first chance to check one out. They are a little over his head, but he liked the pictures.
In other news... keegan has enjoyed coloring at his table these days... and eating crayons.
Check out his latest peice of art!!
That's Right! He's going to be a big brother in 9 months!! We are pregnant. Expecting baby number 2 sometime around the beginning of June if all goes well! We are excited!!! I'm a little overwhelmed with thinking about taking care of two babies, there are a lot of things to wean Keegan from in the next nine months! But I try not to think about all that just yet.
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