Daipers Day #1
I think it went pretty well!! Keegs looked pretty darn cute in his new big booty cloth diapers. I read somewhere that cloth diapers might slow your baby from moving around and maybe make it so they don't crawl until later but Keegs isn't crawling yet anyways so no troubles there. a little extra fabric didn't make much of a difference for Keegan today.
We had one mishap. I think I didn't fasten one on of the happy heiny's tight enough, and we had some leakage at a potluck. It could have been my lack of Velcro skills or the fact that Keegs was in the diaper or nearly 3 hours. who's to know? ha.
We had two poops. The cloth diaper liners "flushies" worked like a charm!! I love them! You just lift the liners out and flush them down the toilet. no touching or scraping the poops = one happy mom. The poop left a little mark on two of the diapers so i was pretty curious how and IF they would come out but while folding and stuffing the diapers this morning i couldn't tell which diaper had been pooped on. I thought that was pretty amazing! They came out perfectly white.
As for my thoughts on the different brands of pocket diapers..
I think I might like the Happy Heiny's the best. I love the thick velcro and how the velcro overlaps eachother. It makes it easy to roll up the diaper after use and velcro it closed on itself. A downside of them I found is that in the laundry they get all tangled up.. i tried velcroing them closed but they came apart and formed a diaper chain in the wash. The diaper that leaked earlier in the day was a happy heiny but i truly think that was my error.
The Bum Genius are pretty good too. I'm not a big fan of how small the velcro is, i think it makes it hard to trust how secure I'm just unsure i'm getting them to fit right. compared to the Happy Heiny's the Bum Genius velcro just isn't my cup of tea. They don't roll up and fasten to themselves (when the diaper is dirty) very well but maybe that's not a big deal for other people. I sort of like to do that. But they fit great and work great and I love that the pocket part of the diaper; it has a flap that closes in the insert. And their laundry taps work great, they don't attach to the diaper chain in the washer.
I didn't use the Fuzzibunz yet. Keegan has been a little cranky and wiggly lately so i'm thinking the initial fitting of the Fuzzibunz might take some time. they have adjustable elastic on the legs and snaps on the waist that i need to make sure fit securely, that might be tricky at first but once that happens i'm sure they will work just fine.
Here is a picture of my sons poop diaper! oh joy right? I just wanted to show you how poopy it was after the use of the "flushie" and tell you that YES IT ALL CAME OUT! the diaper is perfectly white now! I'll take an after photo sometime.

These cleaning solutions are what i used to wash the diapers. It was a suggestion by a friend ( I got her
recipe on her blog. It's just a mixture of each of the three solutions (1 cup each) and then you just put two or three tablespoons in the washing machine. take out the pocket inserts from the diapers. lock down the laundry tabs to help insure you don't get a diaper chain, close the door and wash on hot. DONE! SO easy! I thought cloth diapers would be a ton of work but its simple.

I put the inserts in the dryer and the outsides to try on a drying rack and by morning all was dry and ready for use. the inserts took along time to dry though, i had to put them in the dryer twice and they were still a little moist. So i hung them to dry overnight and they were all dry but one by morning. i guess that is good news though right? super
Anyhow i think the first day went pretty well! He wore the diapers for probably two and half hours max each. one leak. (my fault-pretty sure) two poops. no stains. happy baby! successful cloth diapering day. I think we used a total of 5 diaper today because we didn't use them during naps or bedtime. I wasn't ready to venture that far. So far we only have 6 diapers so i'm glad we're doing the system that we are for now. soon i hope to invest in more so we can launder less often. But I'm excited to be saving the landfills diapers six cloth diapers at time!
hope the info helps. if anything its good for me to process my experience. I'm surprised how much i enjoy using them! I thought I would kind of dread every diaper change but I get excited when its time for a diaper change! haha oh the little things a mom takes joy in.
Day two coming soon.