Charlie and Keegan hanging out in the living room... i think they are going to be great pals. Keegan lights up when Charlie is around and Charlie just loves to lick and clean up after Keegs

This last week Keegan found his toes! Its been fun to watch him play with his feet and suck on his toes. It's great too that he can entertain him self for a few minutes.

Labor day weekend we spent with some if my college friends down in sisters oregon. it was a lot of fun but too short. we're expanding, two babies and one on the way!

Keegan celebrated his friends OSU game last weekend too. I was excited to dress him in his Orange and crack out the OSU gear friends bought us. look at that cool OSU Bottle and onsie!
Labor day weekend we spent with some if my college friends down in sisters oregon. it was a lot of fun but too short. we're expanding, two babies and one on the way!
Keegan celebrated his friends OSU game last weekend too. I was excited to dress him in his Orange and crack out the OSU gear friends bought us. look at that cool OSU Bottle and onsie!
Labor day we also spent time with Dean and Christel and their gals. Amy chased Charlie around all weekend. When they were leaving Amy grabbed some of charlies treat and put him on his leash and informed us that Charlie would be going home with them. We thought that was really cute that she packed him all up. We got to keep him though.