Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bye Bye Poo Poo!

Potty Training?
Lately Keegan has been taking more notice to his little potty and saying things like "bye bye Poo-Poo" when Brent or I go to the bathroom or we throw the dirties from his diapers away. I don't think he understands too much more then that, but it's a step forward! We aren't doing much to start the potty training but today I thought we'd try seeing if he'd want to sit on the potty during a time when he would regularly be pooping in his diaper. He didn't go. But he sat on the potty happily for a while reading books with Brent. I'd say first pass initiation to the potty seat was a success!

Here is just a cute photo from christmas. We didn't end up taking too many Christmas photos this year, but we had a great time with family and Keegan got a ton of great presents! Mostly Car's the movie themed things. Which he has LOVED! We're excited about next year and being able to teach him more about the Christmas story. I'm not sure he was old enough this year to pick anything up. Although he did recognize there was a baby involved. I guess that is a good step.
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Things we have been up to lately!

The other day Keegan ran excitedly into the kitchen with both of his pirate hats exclaiming "Daddy too! Daddy too!" so they put on their hats and had fun being pirates. Keegan is saying "Cheessssee" in this picture. Thats a new thing. We think he might have a lisp and trouble saying his "r's" which is really cute.

Today was a rainy day and we were getting house bored so we decided to venture out with boots and rain jackets to the "bi Choo Choo" Big Train park in town. Here is Keegan exploring the Big Choo Choo

He Loved it!

Near the "Bi-Choo-Choo" is a bunch of cement structures that kind of look like dinosaur bones for kids to climb on and through. He was just as excited about running around the bones and going through the holes.

Some of these pictures are a little burry but you get the gist. Keegs is looking more and more like a boy these days. He' growing taller and talking more and more. It's really fun.
Yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound appointment for baby #2 and found out we're having another BOY! We're excited to bring up another fun and full of energy boy! After going to the park in the rain today it was fun to imagine coming again in a year or so and watching two boys run around in the mud together!
Keegan had brought a lot of laughter and joy into our house with his sillyness and crazy boy energy! I'm curious what life will be like with two! I'm suspecting we are going to have a loud household. I hope I can keep up!
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