Lately Keegan has been taking more notice to his little potty and saying things like "bye bye Poo-Poo" when Brent or I go to the bathroom or we throw the dirties from his diapers away. I don't think he understands too much more then that, but it's a step forward! We aren't doing much to start the potty training but today I thought we'd try seeing if he'd want to sit on the potty during a time when he would regularly be pooping in his diaper. He didn't go. But he sat on the potty happily for a while reading books with Brent. I'd say first pass initiation to the potty seat was a success!
Here is just a cute photo from christmas. We didn't end up taking too many Christmas photos this year, but we had a great time with family and Keegan got a ton of great presents! Mostly Car's the movie themed things. Which he has LOVED! We're excited about next year and being able to teach him more about the Christmas story. I'm not sure he was old enough this year to pick anything up. Although he did recognize there was a baby involved. I guess that is a good step.