Here is a funny picture of Keegan being silly through our stair well.
Yesterday we got a new nursing chair! I'm so excited about it! We had a stationary chair in Keegan's room when he was little and it worked just fine but I thought it would be nice to have a rocker. We have a rocking chair that is a family heirloom but it has wood arms and I would always hit Keegan's head on the arms!
So I wanted to cute, plush chair. We have been on the look out for a while. They are expensive!! We found this one on craigs list for pretty inexpensive! It's in great condition, looks barely used!
Keegan is saying "night night" in this photo. Which is why he is laying down with a weird look on his face. He has been so silly lately! And picking up words like crazy! I think in the last week he has said more than 20 new words. Words that we didn't even know he knew like tape! or noodle! It's been so fun. I think he has obtained the skill of copying words.
He's also super excited about letters lately and can point out a handful of letters. I was so suprised yesterday he came to me with his magnet letter "m" told me what it was, turned it upside down, and said "woobwowu" It is so crazy the kind of things kids pick up! We aren't even trying very hard to teach him! Crazy guy.
I'm 24 weeks pregnant now, so six months! I can't believe we only have three more months til this little guy comes out! He is a mover and a shaker! Always moving and kicking!
We're planning on having him sleep in our room for a good chunk of time so we put our new rocker in our room. We might even have the baby's room be my closet for a while, just so we can keep our guest room. That's what we are thinking right now, but it might change. When can kids share a room?