Sunday, March 16, 2008

March Madness

Here's the lovely ladies of my community group! Plus a few missing... We're having fun getting to know each other and Christ.

Sometimes Charlie sits more like a human than a dog. It's pretty fun. we're looving having a dog! He's been a lot of fun.

March 5th my Dad had a Birthday! Haley my niece and I decorated his cake... but we used this new icing that you put in the mircowave for a little bit and squeeze out... we put it in the mirco a little too long cuz it melted all the frosting underneath is... Dad had a melty birthday.

We also had our winter retreat this last month... Matt in this picture is a college friend that lives in sisters where we have the reteat. He's pretty fun, it was good to spend time with him and his wife Leslie and my other college friend Christine that weekend, she helped me cook!

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