This picture might be a little hard to make out. Its from our Regional Winter Conference. This year OSU won the lip sync. We danced to Circle of Life from Lion King. Paul (from our staff team) is holding the sign up top, he’s pretending to be baby samba. We believe his lack of clothes was a big part to our winning. This year 54 students came to the winter conference, that is more than OSU has sent in a long time. Many of the students jumped off the fence of a mediocre commitment to the Lord and ran towards Him as their Savior and Father.

This next picture is Lindsey with some other ladies at a women’s retreat. The women’s ministry team completely ran this and even spoke! We has a great time. The girl on the far left is Layla she accepted Christ at one of the weekly CRU meetings this year!

This is from our spring break trip to Utah! We’re not all pictured but what a fun group! We learned a lot about the Mormon religion on this trip, it was good to explore their religion and to share about our relationships with Christ with them!

This is some Epic guys on the way to Epic Conference. Aaron (right) was the student leader this year and is passing the baton onto Chase (back right) Please pray for Cha

Brent loves the Crux retreat! I think its because he gets to go rafting almost every weekend to prepare with the Crux team. What a tough job! This year these men lead the charges along with Brent: Keith, Luke and Ben. At the retreat men are challenged physically, socially and Spiritually. It was a good turn out and great sunny weather for their outdoor pursuits!

These are Lindsey’s senior gals! Some are returning though. Alaina is the gal doing the Vogue. She’s in Australia right now on summer project!

These are a graduating seniors. Each year we pray and commission our seniors sending them to the world to make disciples of all nations. This year we gave them certificates remind them of this commission and to graduate them from CRU! The blond gal in pink is Rachel, she's getting married in 5 days.. on my birthday!
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