This is sign language for Airplane. Or close to it.
ALL day long Keegan does this sign. I had no idea how many planes flew over our house until he learned this sign. He can hear the quietest plane. He has a 95% rate of accuracy. Those lawn mowers really throw him off. He hasn't discovered what that sound is yet because we use a push lawn no-noise-mower.
Tonight as I was feeding him before bed he heard a plane and there, in the dark, mid-drink, he did the plane sign. SO CUTE!
Today as we were going for a walk he saw some wind chimes and we discovered that he learned a new sign. The sign for "bell" he did is perfectly! We have a bell by our door that rings when the heater turns on. He's known it is a bell for a long time, i think. We would ask him where the bell is and he would look right at it. but now he can sign about it!
Still no useful signs though like "food" or "more" I guess airplanes and lights are more important.
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