Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Baby Photographer!

One of our friends gave us the name of a photographer friend of theirs that needed to fill a portfolio with new shots of maternity and baby photos. She is doing it for free! So of course we said we'd help her out. hehe
She came yesterday for literally 25 minutes and took photos. It was such a quick session i was a little skeptical of how the photos were going to turn out. We don't tend to be the most photo genic people... haha BUT to our suprise they turned out really nice! You can check them out at her photo blog:

She plans on coming back right when the baby is born to take newborn shots. Some will be the same poses for us, only with our little guy in them! Sounds fun.
Also this weekend a student friend of mine is going to take some more prego pictures. She's a pretty artsy photographer so I'm really looking forward to it. Should be fun!

Well my belly has dropped and the baby is in position. This might be TMI but the doctor said I'm "softening" so my body is preparing the way for this guy to come out! The last couple of days I've been feeling a lot of pevic pressure and a few sporatic contractions! Nothing to worry about, I think we still have plenty of time. I'm getting nervous though. Are we really ready to be parents? Can I do labor and delivery? I guess we'll find out.

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