Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fall Has Begun!

We got a knock on our door a couple of weeks ago and a big heavy package arrived... hundreds of "Would you like to know God personally?" booklets.

It is neat to get a package like that in the mail and know that hundreds of college students are going to be given the opportunity to hear in a clear way what it means to Know God! College students will be given a tool that will give them confidence in sharing the gospel. Hundreds of students might be entering into the eternal life because of those booklets! Pretty sweet to think about.

So Keegan got his first chance to check one out. They are a little over his head, but he liked the pictures.

In other news... keegan has enjoyed coloring at his table these days... and eating crayons.

Check out his latest peice of art!!

That's Right! He's going to be a big brother in 9 months!! We are pregnant. Expecting baby number 2 sometime around the beginning of June if all goes well! We are excited!!! I'm a little overwhelmed with thinking about taking care of two babies, there are a lot of things to wean Keegan from in the next nine months! But I try not to think about all that just yet.
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A few fun things

Keegan loves the Cars movie cartoon figures. Everytime we go to the store and he sees Lightning Mcqueen he kind of goes nuts. I purposefully distract him sometimes so he doesn't see him. The other day we passed by some Lightning Mcqueen slippers and i caved and got them. i figured they would double for a toy! Then we asked some friends if they had the movie, because you can't have Lightning Mcqueen slippers without seeing the movie! He was plastered to the TV. He sat like this for probably 5 minutes which is a big deal for him. Then he started shouting "CAR CAR!" and "WHhoooaa!!" it was a lot of fun.

This is Fiona ("FiFi) she's three weeks younger than keegan and they met when she was three days old. They just might be best friends. They give each other hugs everytime they see each other. unprompted.

She spent the night last night and before she left in the morning I asked Keegan to give her a hug and they kissed. Not their first kiss to each other by the way. They might be in love.
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This is how keegan signs "baby." It's different from the typical two handed cradle hold for baby because he likes to hold babies on his shoulder so he can cuddle and kiss them. He even does a little coo that sounds a little like the word baby, with sweet tones. love it.

On the way to colorado we camped out one night. It was a little bit of a crazy night, probably 30 degrees out and so i was didn't sleep much because i spent most of the night worried and checking to make sure keegan wasn't freezing. We had keegan in so many clothes it was crazy. He had on socks, a onsie, pjs, a snow suit, a beanie, a blanket and brents down jacket layed over him. he was warm. except when we changed his diaper in the middle of the night. His little cheeks were all red for the next couple of days though. is it possible to get a burn on the cheeks from it being too cold?

Here he is, throwing rocks in the river!

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little bits of colordo

I can't believe we have been on summer project for three weeks now. Time has flown! It's been busy and exciting. Crested Butte is absolutely gorgeous with these kind of veiws all around!

We have been on a couple of hikes with keegan. He really likes looking at the views and pointing out the water! Water is one of his favorite things these days. He notices it all over the place. He loves puddle jumping and could throw rocks and sticks in the rivers all day long if I'd let him!

Summer project is nice because we get to do a lot of things together as a family. It's been nice to see Brent more often. Keegan has loved it too! Sometimes he'll wake up from the morning or a nap and look all around the apartment for "dada" I'm "dada" too. Mama hasn't seem to haev been an easy thing for him to say yet.

This is our coaching team for the summer! All of us were on LifeLines last summer (with the exception of one guy) that has been so fun for me to get to spend the summer with these people! they are all so great! Our roommates for the summer are Tracy and Adam. Tracy is in the purple and adam is behind her in the green. Keegan can say both of there names now. He LOVES adam! yesterday he was looking for adam in the apartment. i guess keegan really wanted to play with him. Adam is usually wearing a hat, that is just one of the reasons keegan likes him.

We miss everyone at home! It's odd how we pick up our lives for a couple of months every summer. I'm learning from the other moms here how to do that better with kids. Things like pack toys, but purchase some cheap toys at garage sales; pack cook books. tupperware and spices; get a library card first thing when you get into town. Know where the parks and coffee shops are located. Remember that if things get busy you'll get to see your husband in a couple of weeks or at least at bedtime. It has been nice to have other staff moms here to get ideas from and to see what kind of involvemet they have on campus. It helps me feel more assured in my role as a mom in ministry.
More pictures to come!
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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Avery Park

The other day it was bright and sunny and we decided to take a family bike ride to the park up the street! The park has a big train that kids can climb all over. Ever since my college days here at OSU I have dreamed about taking my future son to the park to enjoy the train. So we put on Keegan's appropriately train striped overalls and went exploring at the park! Even Charlie had a good time lazing in the sun while people oogoogled and googled over him.
Here are a few shots from our day at the park!

what a BOY! I love it.
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010


This is sign language for Airplane. Or close to it.
ALL day long Keegan does this sign. I had no idea how many planes flew over our house until he learned this sign. He can hear the quietest plane. He has a 95% rate of accuracy. Those lawn mowers really throw him off. He hasn't discovered what that sound is yet because we use a push lawn no-noise-mower.
Tonight as I was feeding him before bed he heard a plane and there, in the dark, mid-drink, he did the plane sign. SO CUTE!
Today as we were going for a walk he saw some wind chimes and we discovered that he learned a new sign. The sign for "bell" he did is perfectly! We have a bell by our door that rings when the heater turns on. He's known it is a bell for a long time, i think. We would ask him where the bell is and he would look right at it. but now he can sign about it!
Still no useful signs though like "food" or "more" I guess airplanes and lights are more important.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Another month. Here are some things I am thankful for:

- A 13th month old! Today is keegan's 13 month birthday! I'm thankful we're out of the "baby" stage but I'm not ready for him to grow up. But somethings never change (i dunno how to flip this picture sorry.)

- No more toys in the living room. well mostly. we have a play room now! We turned our library into the play room. thats right, we're "real" parents now.

- A creative husband. Brent built a train table for Keegan! we still need to paint it but Keegs loves it

-Keegan's love for his "hat." He says it all day and pats his head. adorableness

- Spring. The vine on the outside of the house has beautiful purple fragrant flowers. I love it

- I noticed friday that the trees have leaves. Isn't weird how you don't notice and then one day you look up and all the trees are green? SURPISE!

- New friends.

-The poop face

- Parks with swings. Keegan could swing all day and almost did just that today!

- Hippie corvallis and the saturday market. It opened today and the whole community was there, mostly.

-Graduated students that are friends.

- OshKosh striped overalls

- A rough and tough baby boy that eats sand, loves cars and has little cuts on his face.

- For airplanes and dogs and the sounds keegan makes to tell me they exist.

- For bedtime. I'm so tired these days!

-Weddings! Katie looked beautiful and so was her wedding! and for being a bridesmaid! I loved being there to support my friend.

- Baby showers. fancy drinks, fancy food and Pregnant ladies!

- Newborn baby girls! and giant flowers on their heads.

- Photgraphy and artsy-ness

- Old friends visiting

- Learning how to be more "green"

- Family. and Love.

- For not having answers and having to look to God for them.

- That God says He will never leave me or forsake me and will be with me always. (Deuteronomy 31:8 and Matthew 28:20)

Well thats just a few. I'm sure there are more I can't think of at the moment.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Birthday Party.

My sister, Brent, Kathy, Mick, Tom and I slaaaved... not really it was a lot of fun. We had some creative genius advise for details. look at that amazing rice cracker coal smoke!

Me and my Bro Bryan.

The Cousins.

I wish this picture was closer up. Or that we got a picture of everyone in their party hats. which most wore the whole time! Who knew party hats were so much fun!?

Look at the pile of toys! and the balloon overshadows the presents. good thing he had the help of the cousins and jackson for opening the great presents.

I told you he hates the hats. I left it on for a little bit and he forgot it was even there.

The happy FAMILY! I'm so thankful for these two men in my life! Well Keegan is a boy but you know what i mean.

Keegs and his friends. :o)

Post train cake eating play with grandma O and Keegs new wooden train!

I just love this photo. each cousin in their own world. with their own toy. Haley found lady bugs in our backyard and got to take some home. I was so glad i saved some glass containers. I knew they would come in handy someday! now they are a home to some very loved lady bugs. (who are probably dead now...sorry ladies)

We had a great party! Good food, fun cake, great friends. Thanks for all who came to celebrate our milestone of Keegan's first birthday. It felt it was more a celebration for me than for him. I can't believe its been a year. CAN NOT BELIEVE it and it seems over night he's a TODDLER. talking walking almost weaned and throwing fits. *sigh* what happened?
Sometimes if wonder if a was able to breath enough to enjoy his infant hood. There have been many many wonderful incredibly joyful times but I wonder if I missed some of those moments in my feelings of being overwhelmed and in over my head. Maybe next baby I will know more of what to expect and get to relax a bit more? I hope so.
I'm excited for this next year though, this is when we get to really know Keegan. His personality comes out from here on out and I can't wait to meet and understand my baby boy. I can't wait to find out how God created him and to enjoy the gifts God has given him.
So far the things that I notice I'm not sure if they are Keegan or just a growing toddler. Maybe I'll blog about things i notice later. I'm blogged out.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I feel accomplished.

In the last week I:

Hosted a bridal shower for my good friend Katie!

Went to a Benefit Concert for my friend Noel who is going to Australia with WYAM.

Made homemade Chai Tea thanks to Julie Cooley for the recipie! It's wonderfully spicy.

Made organic All-Purpose and Window cleaners. Which I used today and they smell lovely!

Started using my cloth wipes again hopefully this home-made wipe solution will not give my baby diaper rash

Made home-made hummus for the first time ever! I love hummus but the hubby always complains because I supposedly "smell like garlic for daays" which I guess makes me less kissable. psh.
So in order to enjoy the hummus and the husband to enjoy me. I made my own from a recipie that a long lost relative gave us from his book "Good Food Great Medicine."
The hummus is very zesty... and hopefully not too garlic-y. I can't wait to eat it like crazy! Yay for good healthy foods.
Oh and Celebrated Keegan's big number 1 of course!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lasagna, St. Patty's and birthday.

The other night we had lasagna for dinner. I had made something different for Keegan, partly because I wasn't sure if the sause would be too spicy and partly because I thought it would be too messy. Keegan won us over though. He must have known how good it was and how fun it is to eat! He got suuuper messy. I'm so glad bath time comes after dinner!

Look what Gi-Gi Skans made me for St. Patricks day!! Stylin'
Last time my mom was in town we decided "Gi-Gi" is her grandma name. We like it. Cute huh?

A year ago today, Charlie had no idea of how much his life would change. Happy Birthday to a life change, Charlie. He's not too happy about it if you can't tell from this picture.
Keegan and Charlie have recently been able to play together, that has been fun. Keegan can throw Charlie's toys to play fetch and of course climb all over Charlie. Actually Charlie has come in handy. Today Keegan almost fell over and used Charlie as a prop. Nice job. Things are turning up Charlie!

"It's my birthday and I can cry if I want to" actually I think I might have slightly snapped the hat string on accident. He doesn't really like the party hats now. Sad day because they are so cute.

We started off Keegan's birthday by hanging a balloon in his room last night from the ceiling light. A friend told me about that idea a couple of years ago . She looked forward to waking up on her birthday to a ceiling full of birthday balloons. Keegan LOVES balloons so we thought that would be a fun tradition. One balloon per year. This morning he woke up to his balloon and we woke up to the words "Ba-tr!!" Ba-ooon!!" over and over and over, louder and louder. It was really cute. It's nice to wake up with a smile. (He is still calling everything bottle aka "ba-tr") Then we had some nice Choco Chip waffles that Brent made special. Keegan really liked the candle.

Then.... Presents!!! We got Keegan a really cool "hammer ball" toy from Plan Toys. I like that brand of toy a lot. Look at the excitment on Charlie's face. He couldn't wait for his turn.

Charlie loves licking Keegan's running nose, but Keegan is starting to get too smart for Charlie and moving out of the way too fast. haha charlie!
Keegs is getting his top teeth in! I spotted the tooth poking through a couple of days ago. Actually today I could have sworn Keegan was grinding his tiny bit of top tooth with his bottom teeth. That is the worst sound! I think worse than nails on a chalkboard. I'll have to get him a night gaurd. Start the protection early.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!! We are sooo glad you joined our family. So thankful God chose you for us. What would we do without you?! You melt my heart and have brought us so much joy.