The other night we had lasagna for dinner. I had made something different for Keegan, partly because I wasn't sure if the sause would be too spicy and partly because I thought it would be too messy. Keegan won us over though. He must have known how good it was and how fun it is to eat! He got suuuper messy. I'm so glad bath time comes after dinner!

"It's my birthday and I can cry if I want to" actually I think I might have slightly snapped the hat string on accident. He doesn't really like the party hats now. Sad day because they are so cute.

We started off Keegan's birthday by hanging a balloon in his room last night from the ceiling light. A friend told me about that idea a couple of years ago . She looked forward to waking up on her birthday to a ceiling full of birthday balloons. Keegan LOVES balloons so we thought that would be a fun tradition. One balloon per year. This morning he woke up to his balloon and we woke up to the words "Ba-tr!!" Ba-ooon!!" over and over and over, louder and louder. It was really cute. It's nice to wake up with a smile. (He is still calling everything bottle aka "ba-tr") Then we had some nice Choco Chip waffles that Brent made special. Keegan really liked the candle.

Look what Gi-Gi Skans made me for St. Patricks day!! Stylin'
Last time my mom was in town we decided "Gi-Gi" is her grandma name. We like it. Cute huh?

A year ago today, Charlie had no idea of how much his life would change. Happy Birthday to a life change, Charlie. He's not too happy about it if you can't tell from this picture.
A year ago today, Charlie had no idea of how much his life would change. Happy Birthday to a life change, Charlie. He's not too happy about it if you can't tell from this picture.
Keegan and Charlie have recently been able to play together, that has been fun. Keegan can throw Charlie's toys to play fetch and of course climb all over Charlie. Actually Charlie has come in handy. Today Keegan almost fell over and used Charlie as a prop. Nice job. Things are turning up Charlie!
"It's my birthday and I can cry if I want to" actually I think I might have slightly snapped the hat string on accident. He doesn't really like the party hats now. Sad day because they are so cute.
We started off Keegan's birthday by hanging a balloon in his room last night from the ceiling light. A friend told me about that idea a couple of years ago . She looked forward to waking up on her birthday to a ceiling full of birthday balloons. Keegan LOVES balloons so we thought that would be a fun tradition. One balloon per year. This morning he woke up to his balloon and we woke up to the words "Ba-tr!!" Ba-ooon!!" over and over and over, louder and louder. It was really cute. It's nice to wake up with a smile. (He is still calling everything bottle aka "ba-tr") Then we had some nice Choco Chip waffles that Brent made special. Keegan really liked the candle.
Then.... Presents!!! We got Keegan a really cool "hammer ball" toy from Plan Toys. I like that brand of toy a lot. Look at the excitment on Charlie's face. He couldn't wait for his turn.

Charlie loves licking Keegan's running nose, but Keegan is starting to get too smart for Charlie and moving out of the way too fast. haha charlie! 
Keegs is getting his top teeth in! I spotted the tooth poking through a couple of days ago. Actually today I could have sworn Keegan was grinding his tiny bit of top tooth with his bottom teeth. That is the worst sound! I think worse than nails on a chalkboard. I'll have to get him a night gaurd. Start the protection early.
Keegs is getting his top teeth in! I spotted the tooth poking through a couple of days ago. Actually today I could have sworn Keegan was grinding his tiny bit of top tooth with his bottom teeth. That is the worst sound! I think worse than nails on a chalkboard. I'll have to get him a night gaurd. Start the protection early.
Your baby boy is the cutest...and the messiest:) Lasagna is classic in the hair:) Hope you and your family are doing well!
I wouldn't worry about the grinding of his teeth. I told my doctor Carter was doing that too, but she said that's normal. After a few days of having the new tooth, they should stop. What a cute birthday boy. I like the balloon idea. Carter loves balloons too.