My sister, Brent, Kathy, Mick, Tom and I slaaaved... not really it was a lot of fun. We had some creative genius advise for details. look at that amazing rice cracker coal smoke!
Me and my Bro Bryan.
The Cousins.
I wish this picture was closer up. Or that we got a picture of everyone in their party hats. which most wore the whole time! Who knew party hats were so much fun!?
Look at the pile of toys! and the balloon overshadows the presents. good thing he had the help of the cousins and jackson for opening the great presents.
I told you he hates the hats. I left it on for a little bit and he forgot it was even there.
The happy FAMILY! I'm so thankful for these two men in my life! Well Keegan is a boy but you know what i mean.
Keegs and his friends. :o)
Post train cake eating play with grandma O and Keegs new wooden train!
I just love this photo. each cousin in their own world. with their own toy. Haley found lady bugs in our backyard and got to take some home. I was so glad i saved some glass containers. I knew they would come in handy someday! now they are a home to some very loved lady bugs. (who are probably dead now...sorry ladies)
We had a great party! Good food, fun cake, great friends. Thanks for all who came to celebrate our milestone of Keegan's first birthday. It felt it was more a celebration for me than for him. I can't believe its been a year. CAN NOT BELIEVE it and it seems over night he's a TODDLER. talking walking almost weaned and throwing fits. *sigh* what happened?
Sometimes if wonder if a was able to breath enough to enjoy his infant hood. There have been many many wonderful incredibly joyful times but I wonder if I missed some of those moments in my feelings of being overwhelmed and in over my head. Maybe next baby I will know more of what to expect and get to relax a bit more? I hope so.
I'm excited for this next year though, this is when we get to really know Keegan. His personality comes out from here on out and I can't wait to meet and understand my baby boy. I can't wait to find out how God created him and to enjoy the gifts God has given him.
So far the things that I notice I'm not sure if they are Keegan or just a growing toddler. Maybe I'll blog about things i notice later. I'm blogged out.