Last week Brent went out of town for a friends wedding so my mom came down to help out with Keegs and keep us company. It was a lot of fun. Keegan just loves hanging out with my mom. She's very entertaining and funny.
Here's a few pictures from our week:
Tin man? maybe next halloween buddy.
Yup, that is cheese in his nose. i thought it was hilarious.
Last night keegan played with his diapers for a good 30 minutes. His favorite toys right now are little easter eggs, anything he can "bang" against something to make a cool noise and any kind of ball. He's not that big into real toys, they dont keep his attention for very long. figures.
He also loves going outside. Lately he'll point and point out the window waiting to go for a walk or play outside. He loves watching the birds and airplanes and looking at the trees and dogs. He can even say a few of them!
So far his vocabulary is
"ba" = ball
"Batur" = bottle
"bazoon" = balloon
"Brr" = bird
"haaaa" = hot -he just picked that one up this morning!
He signs:
Car, tree and light! I was hoping to do more signing but from the way he's picking up words maybe we won't need it!
Still not walking yet, but he is sooooo close! I'm okay with is i suppose. With the exception of when he wants to play outside. I know dirtiness in inevitable but i'm thinking that he can play in the dirt when he starts walking. :o)
We have been using disposible diapers this week because he's had a crazy diaper rash and interesting poop. I think it might be because i started using cloth wipes to go with the cloth diapers, maybe my wipe solution is too strong? I'm not sure what the cause is but it's been easier to do disposible for this time until we figure out the culprit. sorry cloth i love you so!
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